Live well, eat well, be well.

Transform Your Health w/ Keri’s Favorites


Lifestyle Transformation


Discover long-lasting energy, inner joy, and a body that feels its best. This is a 30day intensive transformation cleanse to kickstart your wellness journey!

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Daily Core 4

A gentle way to take the first step in your transformation and begin nourishing and detoxifying your body. This is a MUST to maintain optimum energy and vitality!

Click below for special discount…

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Plant based protein powders that contain no artificial or animal-based ingredients, are Non-GMO, Vegan, Zero Sugar, Gluten Free and Non-Allergenic. Locally owned and one of the BEST tasting protein powder meal supplements on the market!



Morning Meditation

“When you open your heart and feel elevated emotions like gratitude and a love for life, energy moves into your heart and you feel more whole and connected – which then stimulates your immune function.  Once energy makes it to the heart, it also influences the brain to move into an alpha state - a state where you’re more creative and more open to possibilities.”

-Dr. Joe Dispenza

Sound Bowl Healing

This 963 Hz frequency is associated with the Crown Chakra and will promote physical and mental health as well as growth and positivity. Can be used during meditation or even while performing life’s daily tasks - cooking, cleaning, studying, work, etc.

Evening Meditation

Before going to bed it is always important to have a clear mind, free from stress and negative thoughts. As we slumber, we want to focus on all the elements in our lives that promote love, joy and fulfillment. Our subconscious mind never stops working and, especially during the night, whatever we focus on is what we manifest. Take time to ensure a peaceful rest, and wake up whole and renewed.